Scaffolding your AWS single page application infrastructure with CDK
I'm finding CDK really enjoyable to pick up and understand. Come find out how to set up your static sites and single page applications using it.
Scaffolding your AWS single page application infrastructure with CDK
I'm finding CDK really enjoyable to pick up and understand. Come find out how to set up your static sites and single page applications using it.
UPDATED: Deploying a static site to AWS using GitHub Actions
It has been just under a year since I wrote my initial about deploying static sites to AWS via Github Actions and a number of things have changed since then. I discuss my process for deploying static sites using Github Actions and whats changed since the initial version of the article.
Deploying a static site to AWS using GitHub Actions
I was fortunate enough to get a beta invite to Github Actions earlier this week so I figured I would try to deploy a static website to AWS. I also look at the Actions building blocks and keeping your secrets secret.